Atereko! released, an Android app that allows users to enjoy | KAYAC



Atereko! released, an Android app that allows users to enjoy post-recording on popular animations


Users can enjoy post-recording on Noitamina, a popular late night animation slot on Fuji Television, from smartphones!

The voice-specific community site “koebu” releases Atereko! Android app

koebu (, Japan’s largest voice-specific community website run by Kayac, has started offering Atereko! on Google Play.

Atereko! is an Android app that allows users to enjoy post-recording on animations that are popular on koebu.

Over 530,000 professional and amateur voice actors have signed up for koebu. They can post and listen to audio files of lines and original songs under each theme provided.

The Android app Atereko! allows users to record and play audio files not only on PC but also on smartphones.

Those who have signed up for koebu as users can make posts on koebu from their smartphones.

As a part of its efforts to promote the joy of playing with voice, koebu has released Atereko! to help smartphone users enjoy voices through post-recording.

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